Everything You Need to Know About Oxygen Concentrators!

Recently due to the rapid rise of coronavirus cases in India, there is a huge hit on the efficiency of the healthcare sector. Many hospitals are facing difficulty in providing medical aid to everyone and suggest those who aren’t critical try and self treat at home. In the midst of this chaos, we have seen the sudden rise in the popularity of Oxygen Concentrators. As Covid-19 care essentials have become so necessary we have to adopt using them in our daily lives. Starting from masks, sanitizers, oximeters etc, these have now become part and parcel of our life and living. Similarly, oxygen concentrators thus have become critical in treating breathing problems of Covid patients. Because it is a piece of advanced medical equipment, not much is known about it to the layman. This article is going to answer what oxygen concentrators are, how they work, and the process of getting one for yourself at home.

What is an Oxygen Concentrator?
As the name itself suggests, an Oxygen Concentrator increases or concentrates the amount of oxygen in the surroundings. Our body needs a certain amount of oxygen in order to operate. The ambient air around us is mostly nitrogen with only 21 percent of it being useful oxygen. It is our lungs that filter out the other gases and pass pure oxygen into the bloodstream. The amount of oxygen entering the body is called the oxygen saturation level, and when it starts going below a certain point, loss of bodily functions is seen. You may experience breathlessness, weakness, and these symptoms may also lead to fatal heart attacks or respiratory collapse.

Medical oxygen concentrators are able to take air from the environment and concentrate it to a much greater percentage for the patient to ingest. A highly concentrated dose of oxygen helps lower the burden on the diseased or failing lungs and thus more oxygen is able to be passed into the body to support life functions. The best feature of such oxygen concentrators is that they do not rely on any external resources and only convert the ambient air in our surroundings. These can also be run for long periods of time for several days, without running out.

How do they work?
The basic process of an Oxygen concentrator is to suck in the atmospheric air and to filter out the nitrogen from using various methods, leaving only a highly oxygen-rich gas. Oxygen concentrators can achieve this via two methods.

The first is Pressure Swing Adsorption, where a molecular sieve is used to separate the nitrogen. The air is passed through a sieve that is coated with zeolite. Zeolite is a material that attracts nitrogen particles and sticks to them. This means, as the air keeps passing through the machine, the oxygen keeps passing on, while the nitrogen is stuck to the zeolite particles and is filtered out. It is a very economical and efficient process for home and healthcare applications.

The second method, Membrane Gas Separation, is a very simple method where the air passes through multiple membranes. These membranes are designed on a microscopic level to only let oxygen through. The nitrogen and other gases eventually get filtered out through the membranes after multiple passes.

After the oxygen concentrator has converted the air, we get a constant stream of gas that is 90-95% pure oxygen. This concentrated oxygen can then be supplied to a patient via a breathing mask.

Using an Oxygen Concentrator at home:
If in any unfortunate scenario, one finds that a patient is suffering from low oxygen saturation and has to be isolated at home, based on the severity of their breathing, oxygen concentrators can be used. Oxygen concentrators can be used if the oxygen saturation levels fall up to 85%. Any more than that, then you will have to shift to denser alternatives of oxygen such as liquid medical oxygen.

Having the knowledge of operating an Oxygen concentrator is very important. As hospitals have very limited resources, they have to allocate them to patients who are fatally ill and require intensive care. For those featuring moderate or mild breathing difficulties, all medical professionals are suggesting home treatment. Not only will this act as a form of isolation for the virus to not spread further from the patient, but also lower the caseload of the hospitals.

The process is very simple, first, connect the oxygen concentrator to a source of power and turn it on. Then attach a bottle of distilled water as per the liters of oxygen required. Lastly, you can administer the oxygen to the patient through a nasal cannula or a face mask. Just connect the plugs to the oxygen concentrator and it will automatically start pumping the oxygen through the pipes and into the patient’s respiratory system.

Is Oxygen Concentrator useful for COVID Patients?
This is definitely a very widely asked question. The simple answer to this question is a definite yes. For anyone who starts facing trouble breathing due to COVID-19, it is necessary to provide them the required oxygen, or else the functioning of their body will suffer. The threshold of applying concentrated oxygen is when the oxygen saturation falls below 95%. This kind of fall in oxygen is one of the most common symptoms of Covid and can affect people with various degrees of fatality. Oxygen concentrators can treat patients to a certain extent. However, if in any case, the oxygen falls below 85% you must seek professional medical help at a hospital as oxygen concentrators cannot keep up beyond that point.

How to buy Oxygen Concentrators?
Oxygen concentrators are very high in demand and are also being sold for marked-up prices. Some of the best oxygen concentrators are produced by companies such as Philips Invacare, Inogen, and BPL Medical Technologies. Oxygen concentrators are also available for purchase at medical stores, however, there is a high chance of them running out of stock due to the extremely high demand from homes and hospitals.

In conclusion, oxygen concentrators have become one of the most critical objects right now. Their ability to save the life of COVID-19 patients at a time when the country is afflicted with so many cases makes them a very important medical product for everyone to have in case of emergencies.

Herbal Type-2 Diabetes Supplements To Regulate Blood Sugar Naturally

High blood sugar level is a common health issue reported in hospitals. Causes contributing for this health issue vary from one person to another. Let’s see here how to regulate blood sugar naturally with herbal type-2 diabetes supplements. Diet is one among the main factors that decides the blood sugar level of a person. In order to maintain normal blood sugar level, it is advised to follow a lifestyle with nutritive diet and regular exercises. Today, there are many nutritionists available online to help you in preparing a nutritious diet. To get effective result, it is advised to include a good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in daily diet.

Including certain food sources in daily diet is found to be very effective to treat hyperglycemia problems. Kidney bean is one among the natural food sources to control the blood sugar level in body. As per studies, this exotic food source is found to be as a potent composition of magnesium, potassium and fiber. If you wish to get great health results, it is advised to include kidney beans in daily diet.

Including dark green leafy vegetable in daily diet is one among the best ways to control blood sugar level. Spinach, kale and collards are some among the best recommended green leafy vegetables to alleviate the risk of hyperglycemia. At times, including certain food sources like salmon in daily diet is found to be as a safe way to reduce the risk of hyperglycemia. Omega 3 fatty acids in fishes provide sufficient proteins to body and reduces the risk of heart diseases. In order to achieve great result, it is advised to make use of fishes like salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel.

Including fat free milk is one among the best ways to reduce the risk of hyperglycemia. It reduces the risk of increase in blood cholesterol level. For effective health advantage, feel free to include yogurt in daily meals. Yogurt not only controls blood cholesterol level but also improves the immunity health of body. Substituting to whole grain product is another safe cure to alleviate the troubles due to high blood sugar level troubles. Whole grain bread, pasta and brown rice are some among the best suggested food sources to relieve the troubles due to hyperglycemia.

Certain fruits are found to be very useful to avoid spikes in blood sugar level. Pears, papaya and peaches are some among the best suggested food sources to relieve the risk of hyperglycemia. At times, including nuts in daily diet is found to be as a safe cure to treat health issues like hyperglycemia. You can make use of food items like almonds and walnuts to reduce the risk of diabetes.

Diabec capsule is one among the best sold products to treat type 2 diabetes. Today, you can easily avail this herbal cure from online stores. 100% herbal composition is a key feature of Diabec. It assures health benefits devoid of side effects to all users. You can make use of this herbal cure twice per day. In order to achieve the best health result, follow a lifestyle devoid of alcohol consumption.

Can Manhood Pain Be Due to Male Hormone?

A guy will overcome a host of obstacles in search of sensual activity, but when manhood pain rears its ugly head, it can sometimes derail the plans of even the most ardent seeker of pleasure. Sometimes that pain can be related to CPPS (chronic pelvic pain syndrome), a condition in which the pelvis area experiences various levels of pain. So men who are interested in their male organ health and want to avoid manhood pain should know that some doctors believe low male hormone is one cause of CPPS.


CPPS is a form of prostatitis, meaning the prostate gland is painfully inflamed. This inflammation can result in pain anywhere in the pelvic area. Sometimes the pain may be in one area, sometimes in another; the intensity of the pain can also vary from day to day, or even hour to hour.

Often that pain can show up in the manhood, and for men with CPPS this is especially true during the urination or seed release. In some cases, the intensity of the pain during release can be such that it dampens a man’s enthusiasm for and willingness to engage in sensual activity.

Study link

In 2016, the Journal of Sensual Medicine published a study that indicates a link between CPPS and male hormone levels. The scientists wanted to look at men whose male hormone levels fell below a certain benchmark and compare them to men with higher levels of the hormone, with the goal of seeing if there was any link with CPPS. So they enrolled 948 men with a male hormone level of 3.5 or lower and 4,740 men with levels above that mark.

Sure enough, when the data was tabulated, the scientists found the men with the low male hormone level were more likely to have CPPS – whether mild, moderate or severe – than those in the higher male hormone group. This was especially true for those with a level of 3.0 or lower.

Not conclusive

One study is not conclusive evidence, but it does suggest a link.

So what should a guy do? Well, first he should check with his doctor to see what his male hormone levels are. If they are low, he should then discuss with the doctor whether he should do anything to raise them.

There are several ways male hormone levels can be raised, including doctor-supervised supplementation. But here are a few natural ways to keep the male hormone up:

• Sleep. A well-rested man naturally produces more male hormone. Getting the proper amount of sleep allows the body to adjust itself and keep male hormone production on track.

• Stay at a healthy weight. Carrying extra poundage creates an array of problems, including a drop in male hormone. But that same is true for men who weigh too little. If a guy is unsure what his proper weight should be, consulting a doctor can be helpful.

• Exercise. A sedentary lifestyle discourages the body from pumping up male hormone. A man doesn’t need to spend hours every day at the gym, but planning regular walks, indulging in a sports activity or doing yardwork can keep a guy’s body tuned up.

• Avoid stress. Like obesity, stress is bad for so many reasons – and male hormone depletion is among them.

• Have sensual activity. Studies suggest that the more sensual activity a man has, the more male hormone he produces. So having sensual activity, whether with a partner or by himself, is an enjoyable way to keep the hormones happening.

Avoiding manhood pain and keeping male hormone levels up help keep a man prepared for an active sensual life. So does keeping the male member in good overall health, which can be aided by daily use of a top drawer male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Find one that includes both alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L carnitine. The former is a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals and ensures cellular health, while the latter is a neuroprotective and fights loss of manhood sensation. The two interact synergistically, so finding both in one crème is a bonus.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common member health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.